Heidi Hunter

Rice CS alumna Heidi Hunter.

Heidi Hunter (B.A. ’02) is interested in how humans and technology interact.  As the Internet became more prevalent in her early career, she watched it become integrated with an increasing number of day-to-day activities.

She said, “I was interested in how people use systems. If something isn’t working, don’t blame your users. Blame your system, and then fix it to better fit the users.”

With a career that has spanned Europe and the United States, she is an experienced developer, systems architect, and tech lead with experience in the public and private sectors. She prefers to work in mission-driven enterprises with a goal to change political and economic systems for the public good. This, combined with an interest in international development, led to several years working at the United Nations. She is currently working as a tech lead or advisor for a few East Coast startups including equity crowdfunding, medical communications, and human services resource management.

Read her Rice CS Alumni Profile: https://www.cs.rice.edu/heidi.